Exciting news!
Some time ago we learned about an exciting new project by Yeray Lopez Portillo. A documentary film about the glory and the misfortunes...

Getting ready for the first galgos of 2016 to come over.
You may have read it already, but 2016 started really well with a radio interview and a tv interview. And that is not all, we're...

SAGE has a new website!
Over the last four years, SAGE has become increasing active. In order to keep up with our progress, we have given our site a facelift and...

Volunteering at FBM in Spain (Part 1)
I arrived at the Fundacion Benjamin Mehnert (FBM) shelter located near Dos Hermanas in Spain on 10/22/15. In less than 24 hours of my...

Volunteering at FBM in Spain (Part 3)
During my visit to FBM, there were approximately 400-500 dogs at the facility. The majority of them are galgos. The following...

Volunteering at FBM in Spain (Part 2)
The day prior to my arrival at FBM, this beautiful galgo was injured in a horrible accident. The amazing staff received a call about...

Desi Adopted
Today Desi went to her new home #Rescue #SaveAGalgoEspanol #Galgo #Adoption

#Adoption #Galgo #SaveAGalgoEspanol #Rescue

Oliva- Adopted
Picture taken by ©Travis Patenaude #Adoption #Galgo #SaveAGalgoEspanol #Rescue

Jackie - Adopted!
#Adoption #Galgo #SaveAGalgoEspanol